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Friday 8 January 2010

The count goes on

Again we started our redd counting at first light, and we both agreed that it was the coldest conditions we have ever worked in, so cold that the ink in all our pens froze, a balmy minus 4 !

I could not resist this picture of a swans landing pad on ice, and its exit route, we have seen lots of hungry creatures on our travels, including a fox chasing a pheasant during the middle of the day.

Our redd count is gradually improving in numbers, but the highlight of the day was spotting a huge hen fish sat on a redd, I say huge, she was well over 20 pounds, and not far away a dead cock fish of about fifteen pounds, great to see these big multi sea winter fish, but not in such worrying numbers, and such a shame that a percentage of them die.

On a very positive note, we only ran two hatchery boxes on the Frome this year but the hatch rate has been fantastic, I feel not only due to the amount of water but the cold water temperature has also helped.

On a much much warmer note, and with lots of Big fish check out the latest news at "Fish the Dream"
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