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Friday 28 September 2007

Electric Fishing

We spent the day doing our annual fish survey with the Dorchester Fishing Club, counting our Trout population and sending our Pike off to a new home.

A big thank you to Rod Crane for spending the day counting from the bank, data avaliable once sorted....

Also a big thank you to Scott, Matt, George, and Matt from Kingcombe Aquacare for their professional approach, and the rather fab lunch that we all provided.

The CEH were also present, and managed to tag somewhere in the reigon of 300 Salmon Parr, they were very pleased.
As always the electric fishing for the club is an important time of the year, representing both the end, and the begining of seasons, we have a very busy time ahead of us, Gravel washing the Salmon Redds, Redd counting, habitat projects....

The team hard at it......

1 comment:

William Hughes-Games said...

All the wonderful work you do contributes to the necessary conditions to keep and ever restore the salmon runs in your area but they are not sufficient. Very little attention is paid in restoring salmon runs to the pre-european influence of beaver ponds. For a shocking take on what happened in the Columbia river when the beaver were eliminated (on purpose by the HBC) Google "salmon" "beaver" "1818"
Keep up the good work.
Blog "mtkass"